Weekly review – Feb 9, 2007

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I haven’t written in a while, and my fingers are starting to itch. I’ve been preoccupied. Last Thursday I learned (again!) that an hour before the end of the day is not the best time to attempt to switch my work laptop over to Linux, and I spent the rest of that evening trying to restore some kind of functionality. On Friday I got everything sorted out while still being able to do my regular work, and now I’m posting this from a nicely set-up Linux. I will get Emacs blog posting up again soon.

I also spent a good deal of time catching up with Quinn Fung, one of my best friends in Canada. She’s in Toronto for a few weeks in order to interview people for research, and she’s staying over here. (I was a student not too long ago, and I remember how nice it is not to have to worry about accommodation!) I’ve really enjoyed our reflections on Emacs, life, music, education… and I should write about them because I think you’d enjoy them too.

Because I hadn’t regularly written during the week, it’s hard for me to tell you what I did and what the highlights were. Fortunately, I remembered to jot down some points during the commute home last Friday, so here they are:

Monday: Started a new engagement at another financial services company
Tuesday: Worked on social media wiki, had a good status-check meeting
Wednesday: Worked on my first Drupal module (opt-in)
Wednesday: Note about learning from example (… darn if I can remember what that was about)
Thursday: Worked on social media wiki, learned about the table-plus macro, thought about information design
Thursday: Started switching over to Linux
Thursday: Went to writing session at Leigh Honeywell’s place. Would have written if I hadn’t been trying to fix my computer. Nice to catch up, though!
Friday: Got Linux working again.
Friday: Brainstormed a 40-minute talk together with Bernie Michalik using a whiteboard. Good stuff.
Friday: Installed Node Relativity and started to play around with that for another module I need to write.

Being in flux unnerves me. I hadn’t been keeping track of my time in Emacs, hadn’t been writing regularly, hadn’t done my weekly planning… I felt adrift. I couldn’t point to anchors in my day, blog posts and checked-off tasks that showed me that I’d done something. Brrr.

So enough mucking about with VMWare or VirtualBox. Time to write. Time to think. Time to relax.

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