Weekly review

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This week at work was mostly characterized by Drupal. I finally figured out how to use CCK and Views in Drupal 5, and I’ve even figured out how to programmatically create them (after much wailing and gnashing of teeth because of interactions with Domain Access and Path!). I’m looking forward to using this knowledge for awesome.

I also attended a local Drupal meetup. I ended up giving a 7-minute impromptu braindump on how to set up a great coding environment for Drupal. This won Best Talk and an extra-large T-shirt with the label "node monkey" (a clever reference to "code monkey" and Drupal’s node-based architecture). I haven’t figured out exactly what to do with that extra-large shirt yet, but it will involve T-shirt surgery so that I can wear it to the Drupal meetups without drowning in it. I may even have a series of hacks, if I plan it carefully. =)

I enjoyed giving presentations about social networking and Millennials during a virtual IBM conference and during a meeting of the IBM University Relations group. Next week, I’m going to give a talk on networking for new hires for the GBS Foundations new hire group.

Krav maga and yoga continue to be fun. I didn’t go last Tuesday because of the Drupal event, but I made up for that by skinning a knuckle during our Thursday session on combinations. Yesterday, we practiced quick offenses–slaps and headbutts from a neutral position. I have no illusions about my abilities–I’m definitely not going to pick a fight!–but it was fun exploring these things with such helpful and encouraging people in the class.

I had a lot of fun at the Ontario Science Centre this weekend, too.=)

Tonight, I hope to write most of an article that I’ve promised a colleague. Next week, I plan to wrap up most of the work for my Drupal-related project and resume working on an internationalization-related project. I’d also like to do more writing, which means resisting the siren call of Lego Indiana Jones… (But it’s so pretty on the PSP!)

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