Drupal: Patching simpletest for Drupal 5 to understand the Location header
Posted: - Modified: | drupalAutomated testing is part of good programmer hygiene. I wanted to write tests for both functions and Web-based interfaces in our Drupal project, but one of the tests I wrote was always failing. Many prints and var_debugs later, I found out that it was because simpletest didn’t do anything with Location: headers, which happen when you drupal_goto an external site. Here’s a first pass at fixing that behavior – patch sites/all/modules/simpletest/simpletest/browser.php:
Index: browser.php
--- browser.php (revision 753)
+++ browser.php (working copy)
@@ -321,6 +321,22 @@
+ $counter = 0;
+ $url = $this->_page->_headers->_location;
+ if ($url) {
+ $url = &new SimpleURL($url);
+ }
+ while ($url && $counter < 10) {
+ $this->_page = &$this->_fetch($url, $parameters);
+ $this->_history->recordEntry(
+ $this->_page->getUrl(),
+ $this->_page->getRequestData());
+ $url = $this->_page->_headers->_location;
+ if ($url) {
+ $url = &new SimpleURL($url);
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ }
return $this->_page->getRaw();
(update: okay, let’s try diff syntax highlighting with wp-syntax…)
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