Drupal: Testing multisite/domain-access Drupal locally and on a testing server
| drupalWe’re using Domain Access to manage a number of related subdomains on a single server. I prefer to develop and test locallly, then push my changes out to a testing server so that other people can try the system. I use the same domain names on my computer and on the test server so that I don’t have to make any changes in the database. To switch between them, I comment or uncomment a line like example.com sub1.example.com sub2.example.com
in my /etc/hosts file.
However, Firefox caches the domain name information, and it can be confusing to figure out which server I’m on. The following setup makes this much easier:
- Install Domain Details to show the IP address of the server in your status bar. Good for a quick check – am I on or elsewhere? (NOTE: I started with ShowIP, but it looks like ShowIP caches the information.)
- Install the Clear Cache Button extension.
- Restart your browser and customize your toolbar. Add the Clear Cache button. Click on this before switching sites.
In an ideal world, I’ll have a plugin that automatically twiddles my DNS entries, too. =)
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