Hello, I’m Sacha Chua! (Self-introduction and sitemap in verse)

| sketches

Inspired by Dr. Doolittle, Animaniacs, and the Slideshare World’s Best Presentation Contest, I present to you my self-introduction/sitemap… in verse! =) It was fun to make, and I hope it makes you smile. =)

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World’s Best Presentation Contest
I’d love to see how far this… err… sketchy style of presentations can go. =)

Here’s the text:

Hello, I’m Sacha Chua and I’m really pleased to meet ya.
How can I assist ya? I would love to find out how.

So what can I connect you to? Ideas that would help you through?
Some tools, perhaps, to help you do the thing you’re working on right now?

Are you changing your bulletin boards and stickies, your e-mail and Notes twisties
for bookmarks, blogs, and wikis? I can help you strategize.

Are you looking for a presentation ’bout Web 2.0 and my generation?
(It has caused a small sensation–all this interest in Gen Ys!)

If you’re also into Drupal and you’re searching for something useful,
then I hope, my fellow pupil, that I’ve written what you need.

Are you an Emacs fan at home with M-x plan
and all that Emacs can? You’ll like my Emacs feed.

Are you looking for a book that’s worth a second look
and some time in a nook? We might see eye-to-eye.

Can I teach you what I learned from the pancakes that I burned?
(Too late the things were turned!) For my notes, read CookOrDie.

I’m a person full of passion (and a hacker of some fashion).
I reflect and I take action, and it’s all there on my page.

There are few things I’ve not written (even times that I’ve been smitten,
and my darling psycho kitten) because all the world’s a stage.

There’s more in my six years of blogging hopes and fears
and laughter, anger, tears–and there’ll be more to come!

I’d love to hear from you, your thoughts–and comments too.
Thanks for clicking through. I hope you’ve had some fun!

You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.