Might need to spend more time hanging out with Emacs geeks =)

| emacs, wickedcoolemacs, writing

This is dreadful. I’ve made no progress on my book, and I’ve noticed that it has steadily crept down my list of priorities. I suspect it has a lot to do with the kinds of people I hang out with and the kinds of places I hang out. ;)

I used to hang out in irc.freenode.net#emacs a lot, and I used to frequently check the RecentChanges page of http://www.emacswiki.org. Both were great sources for Emacs questions and answers, and they often inspired me to go and write blog posts sharing what I discovered.

Lately, I’ve been hanging out with Drupal geeks and social networking geeks–hence all the blog posts about Drupal and technology evangelism. This is because of work, and so my blog posts are about things I’m learning at work. My Emacs use is down to reading mail, reading news, and managing my day. I still use it every day, but I’m not doing a lot of development in it. (Hmm, maybe that’s something else I can set up.)

Maybe I should start writing from the front of the book instead – basic Emacs stuff, leading up to more advanced tips…

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