Things I can do to make progress on my book
| emacs, wickedcoolemacs, writing- Switch my development environment to Emacs
- Put together the existing book chapters I have so far
- Process the tech reviews I’ve gotten back
- Work on one outline item
- Work on a different chapter
- View and explain a random person’s .emacs file
- Have regular release schedules
- Work on the outline
- Just write
- Hang out in #emacs
- Read Emacs-related blogs
- Read random wiki pages on
- Post tidbits
- Dig through my old Emacs configuration
- Answer Emacs-related mail
- Monitor help.gnu.emacs and other Emacs-related newsgroups/mailing lists
- Learn about a random Emacs symbol
- Write for 10 minutes
- Brainstorm ideas
- Upgrade my packages
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