Weekly report, week ending July 4, 2008
| weeklyAs promised, weekly report on Friday instead of Sunday! Let’s see how well that works.
This week:
- Drupal: Our CSS person started work. Hooray!
- Drupal: We switched over to the next phase of configuration management. Instead of dropping and recreating the database from scratch, we now have to work with a live database, making sure that we don’t lose the editorial changes that users have been making. It’s pretty straightforward with Drupal, actually. Database changes are added to module .install files as modulename_update_
() functions. Edits and other system changes are handled in the .profile and through the Web interface. I should blog about this soon. - Drupal: I handled lots of little defects and a few larger changes.
- Speaking: Prepared another presentation for the upcoming IBM Academy of Technology conference on collaboration. “Sowing Seeds: A Technology Evangelist’s Guide to Grassroots Adoption.” Uploaded it to internal file-sharing site.
- Speaking: Got the survey results back from the IBM Technical Leadership Exchange! Blog post about that later.
- New hires and networking: Had lunch and tea with some of the other new hires and older employees. =) Good stories. Also, started working on a guide for new hires.
- Work: I wrote two short Ruby scripts that analyzed internal blogging, bookmarking, and file-sharing activity for one of the communities I’m active in. Posted the results in internal blog posts.
- Work: I started putting together some resources for fellow IBM newbies. It’s in our internal version of Pass It Along.
- Fight/fitness: Not much this week. Just one class of yoga because the gym was closed on Tuesday and I was feeling tired last Thursday.
Next week:
- Drupal: Survive the demo. Plan tasks for the next phase and clarify my responsibilities.
- Speaking and presentations: Write blog posts / speaker notes / articles for my upcoming presentations. Make plans for conference travel.
- New hires and networking: Make a one-page list of tips about IBM and Web 2.0
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