Squee! Won Slideshare’s Best Presentation Contest!

| presentation, sketches


My introduction-in-verse won the Slideshare Best Presentation Contest Category for “About Me”! Which probably means that at some point, I brought a smile to the illustrious panel of judges: Guy Kawasaki, Nancy Duarte, Garr Reynolds, and Bert Decker.

Hello, I'm Sacha Chua!

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: sketches self)

I’m sure I’ll put the iPod Touch to all sorts of good use!

I had a lot of fun making the presentation on my Nintendo DS. I’ve since then given to my mom so that she can do yoga, but I upgraded to the Cintiq 12WX and it’s really fun to sketch on. Still, I feel very much like a fledgling artist:


As promised, I’ll be sending some of my favorite presentation books to one of the lucky people who voted for me. Hello, Randell! I’m looking forward to sharing Presentation Zen and Back of the Napkin with you. =D


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