Weekly review: Week ending January 30, 2009

| weekly

From last week’s plans:

  • More Drupal awesomeness for Transition2 <laugh> There was a bit of confusion. Apparently, they wanted my help in design, and the estimates weren’t implementation estimates! =) So I worked on low-level design documents, and I’m looking forward to figuring out more when I start implementing things.
  • I need to finish the paperwork for qualifying for the next band level at work Submitted before the deadline, yay!
  • I need to prepare for my upcoming presentations and lectures – February is going to be crazy again I started thinking about what I’d like to put in the MBA lecture
  • I would like to bake something new I’m going to make apple pie tomorrow!
  • I’d like to start making a red knee-length coat (hello, Carmen Sandiego!), but I wonder if I should get a red fedora first, so I can color-match. Hmm…. I couldn’t find any ready-made coats I liked in the stores, but eBay has a few that look interesting. =) It’d be nice to wear a bit of color in the gray winter. And it’s even cheaper than buying red Melton wool and making the coat myself… =)

In addition:

  • My session on Totally Rocking Your Development Environment was accepted to DrupalCon09, hooray!
  • I showed the IBM Web 2.0 Summit organizers the little conference abstract submission system I’m building. =) I got plenty of great suggestions for making it even better.
  • I read a lot of books and returned them to the library. Yay!
  • I wrote lots of people testimonials because they’re looking for work =|
  • I helped think about Enterprise 2.0 at work
  • I volunteered to help with finding sponsors and organizing swag for DrupalCampTO
  • I volunteered to help with registration at Mesh Conference – that had been so much fun last time!
  • I braindumped a lot of conference networking tips

Next week:

  • This Saturday – LifeCampTO and a dinner party, oh my! LifeCampTO will be a good experiment in facilitating many-to-many networking, and the dinner party will be a good experiment in chili + fruits / salad potluck
  • I’m going to bake a pie =)
  • I’ll review all the use cases for work and ask lots and lots of questions
  • I’ll improve the abstract submission process for my conference system


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