Improving my talk management process
| happy, kaizen, presentation, speakingNow that I’m reasonably happy with managing my calendar with a combination of virtual assistance and tools like TimeBridge, I’d like to improve my talk management system. I give lots of talks, and I’d love to scale up to do even more, and to do them even more effectively.
Here are the key tasks I might be able to outsource:
- Coordinate with the event organizer on
- date and time of talk
- location and directions (public transit and driving; call-in numbers and web conference details if virtual)
- size and characteristics of audience
- organizer’s objectives
- context of talk (previous and next activities)
- resources available (projector, whiteboard/blackboard, easel, microphone, video recording)
- speaker’s fee / honorarium / time and materials?
- Add a calendar event with all the details
- Get the event organizer’s emergency contact information
- Send title, abstract, bio, and picture
- Take my outline and look for stories, examples, and statistics
- Take my outline and turn it into text slides
- Add links to my pre-talk blog post
- Add photography (stock photography or Creative Commons Attribution content), with proper citation
- Confirm the date, location, and title a few days before the event
- Verbally remind me the morning of the event and send me a summary e-mail with the event details, the event organizer’s emergency contact information, the talk information, and my outline (just in case slides fail)
- Thank the organizer
- Type in speaker evaluations and contact information
- Follow up with people who attended my talk
- Coordinate with any lucky winners of giveaways
- Put my slides and recordings together (I wish…)
- Update my talk ROI spreadsheet
If I can get parts or all of this process in place, the results will be:
- I’ll worry less about getting the dates wrong
- I’ll worry less about lacking important information before a talk
- The coordination process will be smoother
- I’ll go into the talk with more confidence
- I can spend less time thinking about the details of talks and more time thinking about the fun of it
- I may be able to scale up to more than one talk per week, someday
- I’ll be able to teach other people processes for preparing for talks =)
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