More gardening

| gardening

We spent most of this weekend thinking about and working on our garden. Laura’s going to think of what we can do with the two 6’x7′ patches we’re planning to turn into vegetable and herb plots. I’m thinking of growing nasturtiums in the front flower boxes, which are edible and pretty.

W- and I raided Home Depot, Canadian Tire and Rona. We picked up seeds for:

  • Thai basil – to grow indoors, all year round =)
  • coriander – to be grown indoors, all year round
  • snow peas – 2-3 sowings about two weeks apart
  • zucchini – 15 cm apart, to be thinned to 45 cm
  • mustard sprouts – to be grown indoors
  • nasturtium – for the front box
  • edamame – Mmm. I love these!

So J- and I are going to work on the starter pots over the next few days. If we’re lucky, they’ll germinate over the next couple of weeks, and then we’ll start planting them in the ground.

W- and his brothers grew up helping out with their parents’ garden, and they often enjoyed the harvest. Me, I’ve played with growing things a couple of times, but I haven’t really gone into it seriously. I really appreciated growing rosemary last year, though, so now I’m ready to try more. Herbs give almost instant gratification, and the vegetable plants will come up over the next few months. Looking forward to our first harvest!

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