Weekly report: Week ending May 3, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
get better at making design documents, thanks to my team members’ feedbackThey’re happy with the design documents I wrote, AND I learned how to use the documents to improve my programming thinking, too!- prepare background research for upcoming talks More talks to prepare! =)
develop a presenter’s guide for internal conferencesPut some basic notes together, yay!- spend some time going through some of the great learning resources we have at work Haven’t done so, but blocking out time to do this on Saturday
mentor a colleague on Drupal application developmentIt’s fun to help!sew a skirtFinished my red wool skirt =)- sew a muslin for a blouse Haven’t started
- sketch five new stick figures Drew some cats
… and continue to have and share tons of fun!Totally!
I also:
- Submitted my personal business commitments and individual development plan, with plenty of insights from my mentors (yay!)
- Got the hang of playing Chopin’s Prelude Op. 28 No. 6, yay! Next: Pachelbel’s Canon, then Memory.
- Planned and planted our garden: garlic (from last year), rosemary (from last year), basil, oregano, thyme, hot peppers, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, strawberries, and mint. We’ll see how many of them survive this week. =)
- Played lacrosse catch with W- and J-. Fun!
- Handled more errands on my bicycle.
- Learned a little about playing the flute.
- Attended Isaac Ezer’s totally awesome house party. Feeling the urge to attend social dancing sessions again.
- Attended a charity gala. Interesting excuse to dress up in a terno. Made a wrap myself using some pretty (and inexpensive) sheer blue fabric.
- Coached people on virtual conferences.
- Helped out at a training session in SecondLife.
- Hired another virtual assistant (hi Mylene!).
- Discovered that Linda Ristevski’s also into sewing clothes. Looking forward to swapping stories and pictures!
- Chatted with Dries about Drupal, fun!
- Read a whole bunch of books, improved my book workflow a little bit more (borrowing idea from Mel about using Goodreads+VA to manage to-read list)
Next week:
- Work: Merge development changes into release-4
- Work: Build event calendar system
- Work: Get feedback on presenter guide
- Work: Attend speed mentoring event in SecondLife
- Work: Mentor more people on Drupal
- Garden: Encourage plants to survive
- Piano: Learn Pachelbel’s Canon, Memory
- Sewing: Pin-fit blouse pattern, start making muslin
- Sewing: Make spring skirts
- Blog: Write monthly report
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