129 summer camp ideas

| life

J- doesn’t want to go to any camps this summer. Instead, she’ll try to come up with interesting things to do. I spent a few minutes compiling this list of summer camp ideas. If some of these catch her eye, we can see about putting together our own curriculum and activities… =)

  1. Adventure
  2. Animal safari
  3. Animation
  4. Archaeology
  5. Arts and crafts
  6. Astronomy
  7. Backpacking
  8. Baking
  9. Baseball
  10. Basketball
  11. Biking
  12. Biology
  13. BMX
  14. Building / woodworking
  15. Business
  16. Canoeing
  17. Caving
  18. Cheerleading
  19. Chess
  20. Clay
  21. Claymation
  22. Chemistry
  23. Circus
  24. Computer
  25. Construction
  26. Cooking
  27. Creative writing
  28. Cross-country skiing
  29. CSI
  30. Culture
  31. Debate
  32. Diving
  33. Dog sledding
  34. Environmental
  35. Etiquette
  36. Farming
  37. Fashion
  38. Fitness
  39. Fencing
  40. Field hockey
  41. Film
  42. Finances
  43. Fishing
  44. Flash animation
  45. Football
  46. General academics
  47. Geology
  48. Gifted
  49. Golf
  50. Gymnastics
  51. Hiking
  52. Hip hop
  53. Horseback riding
  54. Hunting
  55. Ice hockey
  56. Ice skating
  57. International studies
  58. It’s a girl thing
  59. Jewelry
  60. Journalism
  61. Kayaking
  62. Lacrosse
  63. Language
  64. Liberal arts
  65. Life on the farm
  66. Life skills
  67. Life sports (tennis, golf, badminton)
  68. Magic
  69. Marine science
  70. Martial arts
  71. Math
  72. Medical
  73. Modeling
  74. Motocross
  75. Motorsport
  76. Mountain biking
  77. Mountain boarding
  78. Mountaineering
  79. Multi-sport
  80. Net sports
  81. Orienteering
  82. Paintball
  83. Personal growth
  84. Piloting
  85. Primitive skills
  86. Photography
  87. Psychology
  88. Rappelling
  89. Riflery
  90. Robotics
  91. Rock climbing
  92. Rockets
  93. Rollerblading
  94. Ropes
  95. Rowing
  96. Sailing
  97. Scrapbooks
  98. SCUBA
  99. Secret agent
  100. Sewing
  101. Shakespeare
  102. Singing
  103. Skateboarding
  104. Snowboarding
  105. Snow skiing
  106. Soccer
  107. Softball
  108. Spa
  109. Space
  110. Squash
  111. Stunt
  112. Survival
  113. Swimming
  114. Tennis
  115. Theatre arts
  116. Traditional
  117. Track and field
  118. TV
  119. Veterinary science
  120. Video game design
  121. Volleyball
  122. Wakeboarding
  123. Waterskiing
  124. Water polo
  125. Whitewater rafting
  126. Wilderness
  127. Windsurfing
  128. Wrestling
  129. Yoga
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