Garden updates

| gardening

The six-week bush beans are up, and so are the carrots. The edamame I planted on a whim has germinated, too, although it hasn’t poked its nose out of the soil just yet. The spearmint is absolutely lovin’ the pot that it’s in. I’ve taken to having lots of mint tea so that the plant stays neatly within the pot. The mesclun mix I planted last week is up as well, and some of the seedlings are starting to look lettuce-y. All the strawberry plants are flowering. The bitter melon is doing well, too – so well that I’ve had to thin the ones in the pot, transplanting some of the crowded seedlings to the spot near the fence where the bitter melon will eventually grow. The creeping thyme is starting to establish itself, and has delicately purple flowers. The cat grass is growing by leaps and bounds. No hint of the cantaloupes and watermelons just yet, but I’m sure they’ll come – and if they don’t, I can make other plans for that space. And in the shade near the lilies of the valley, I’ve spotted some dill–volunteers from last year’s attempt to grow dill in a planter?

I find myself retreating to the garden to think. It’s comfortable, and it probably has more of me in it than any other place in Canada. The land is W-‘s, of course, but the vegetables and herbs are here because of me. I’m putting down roots. ;) Not that I’m not prepared to leave this, just in case–ah, paperwork and visas–but while I’m here, I may as well be here. Who knows? Someday I may cultivate heirloom tomatoes and snack on sugar peas, and I’ll be able to have–and share!–these experiences.

It’s amazing to see how sunshine, well-fertilized soil, and water can get all these plants to grow. I love seeing the plants go through the different stages. I love knowing that the soil underneath our plants is rich in happy earthworms. I love being able to reach out and rub a few leaves to release the scent of rosemary, mint, basil, thyme, or lavender. I love the grit of our sandy soil between my fingers, the cool moistness that tells me when I should water and when I can let the plants rest. I love the anticipation and the constant change, even when that change comes in the form of weeds that enjoy the cultivated conditions as much as our plants do.

Next year, I think we’ll add another feet or two out, plant zucchini instead of melons (or just plant them all and see what comes out first), plant more strawberries (although I have another planter coming in)… Squee!

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