Thinking of a travel dossier
Posted: - Modified: | delegation, process, travelI usually spend the evening before a flight putting together a travel dossier. It includes:
- a map of the route from the airport to the hotel
- a map of the route from the hotel to the meeting center
- public transit routes for the airport to the hotel
- some events and background information
This is something a virtual assistant can easily prepare, and he or she can add more information too. I’d love to have:
- restaurants near the hotel, cross-referenced with reviews from Yelp or other sites
- pictures, names, bios and mobile numbers of people in the area who are interested in meeting up
- names and addresses of people in the area so that I can send postcards
- taxi companies and phone numbers
In addition, the VA could update my TripIt and Dopplr accounts, so I can start tracking these trips better.
So I’d give the VAs:
– my flight information
– my hotel information
– the location of the meeting
and they would prepare a document that contains:
- The weather forecast, if available, including temperature in Celsius and whether to expect rain
- The flight information (date and time, flight number, booking reference, terminal number if possible)
- The hotel information (name, address, contact number, whether there’s a courtesy shuttle from the airport, and what amenities are available)
- A map of the route from the airport to the hotel, including a large map and small maps with driving directions for each step
- A public transit version of that map (large map + text)
- A map of the route from the hotel to the meeting place, including a large map and small maps with driving directions
- A public transit version of that map (large map + text)
- A list of taxi companies and phone numbers that serve the area. If the meeting place is in a different city, get me taxi companies for that city too
- A list of restaurants near the hotel, ranked by their Yelp rating
- A list of restaurants near the meeting venue, ranked by their Yelp rating
- A list of my Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Dopplr, and Google contacts in that city, as a table with names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and addresses (if from Google contacts), so that we can reach out to them and ask who’s interested in meeting up (maybe a Facebook event + e-mail for those not on FB)
I can then print this document out easily, and keep a copy on my computer for backup.
When people have confirmed that they’ll meet up, the VA can prepare a list of pictures, names, contact information, bios/interests, and blog URLs.
Sounds like an interesting idea!
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