Weekly review: Week ending August 2, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Do some Facebook strategy consultingFind ways to recognize the contributions people had made to the idea labWrote a LotusScript mail merge program!Learn enough about Lotus Notes programming to create that sign-up button with referral trackingTake the medical exam for my permanent residency applicationTake another improv class (whee!)Prepare another week’s mealsChat with someone who’s interested in Gen Y and careers- Think about what I’d like to do for my 26th birthday =D Still thinking…
I also:
- Tidied up my sewing materials, yay!
- Started on a princess-seamed pullover dress
- Read a lot
Plans for next week:
- Organize home even more
- Finish new dress
- Tag people
- Finish Facebook strategy document
- Map out what I want to do and how to make it happen
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