Weekly review: Week ending October 11, 2009

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Better late than never!

From last week’s plans:

  • Create the facilitator guide. Postponed due to higher priorities, like working on the Idea Labs system.
  • Attend improv and sewing classes. Improv: get the hang of assumptions. Sewing: Make zippered pouch. Improv is so hard! Fun, but hard. Still working on developing strong characters and just getting out there.
  • Watch an improv show. Missed Monday’s show, and there were no shows on Tuesday.
  • Celebrate a nice, quiet Thanksgiving weekend with W-

I also:

  • Started planning a women’s leadership session about remote presentations
  • Picked up a whole bunch of books
  • Sewed a small stuff sack

Next week (this, really), I plan to:

  • Finish the template invitation for the upcoming idea labs
  • Get the Idea Labs system to a usable state
  • Develop a small collection of strong ‘stock’ characters for improv, if that helps
  • Start on my wool skirt
  • Prepare the garden for winter
  • Send the “Remote Presentations That Rock” presentation to the IBM Technical Leadership Exchange organizers
  • Keep on biking instead of letting the cold scare me


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