Weekly review: Week ending October 18, 2009

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From last week’s plans:

  • Finish the template invitation for the upcoming idea labs It creates three calendar events that are marked as Available, AND does interesting things with metrics. Hooray!
  • Get the Idea Labs system to a usable state Now I need internal testers
  • Develop a small collection of strong ‘stock’ characters for improv, if that helps Brainstorming emotional initiations (situational and response) helped!
  • Start on my wool skirt Made a surprising lot of progress in one class session. Might finish it this week. I can do slacks for the other two weeks, then, or serge all the things I’ve been meaning to finish.
  • Prepare the garden for winter W-, J-, and I dug up our garden, put in two raised beds edged with spruce planks, and mulched the pathways. Yay!
  • Send the “Remote Presentations That Rock” presentation to the IBM Technical Leadership Exchange organizers
  • Keep on biking instead of letting the cold scare me I got back into the swing of biking to work instead of taking the easy way out and working from home. ;)

I also:

  • Started helping develop the sequel to the women’s leadership program I took
  • Discovered I could draw more than just stick figures
  • Made another batch of biscuits in preparation for the tea party this weekend
  • Helped J- sew and dye a khaki vest for her Halloween costume (she’s going as a zombie roadkilled photographer)
  • Talked to my mom (Internet is back up over there!)
  • Sent some more donations for rebuilding after the typhoons that hit the Philippines (and there are more typhoons on the way =( )
  • Chatted with my sister about shoes (she’s in love with her heels)
  • Packed and froze 8 lunches (mmm, ribs)

Next week’s plans:

  • Work: Set up two idea labs and send invitations, follow up with experts, and write the script/speaker’s notes for my upcoming sessions
  • Relationships: Make lamb curry and freeze lunches for W- and me, host a tea party, start on that sofa wrap
  • Life: Pick up a few things to make fall and winter more bearable, launch The Shy Connector website, post more of my drafted blog posts
  • World: Donate money through the Canadian Red Cross

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