Weekly review: Week ending November 22, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Facilitate Innovation Discovery workshop in BostonFacilitate tech prep call for training community- Support call #1 for training community Not available during that time
Update wiki links- Interview Jason Wild about working with the C-suite Client call conflict, will reschedule
Finish virtual presentation series
Finish bathrobeTidy up around houseBake another pie (Apple pie, mm)Chat with Clair- Also: made a bathrobe for W-, raked leaves
Send paperwork for permanent residency request- Summarize time tracking insights
Experiment with ways to make travel less stressful.Build in more downtime. =)
Plans for next week:
- Catch up on deferred work
- Interview Jason Wild
- Present “Remote Presentations That Rock” at IBM women’s leadership program
- Double-check calendar (including speaking engagements)
- Take more pictures
- Tidy up around house
- Work on writing backlog
- Review editors’ feedback
- Bake another pie
- Cut pieces for a coat
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