Lotus Connections Communities topics+replies feeds to OPML
| geek, lotus, rubyKeeping track of discussions in Lotus Connections Communities can be difficult, so I thought I’d use a feed reader to read new forum topics and replies. Instead of subscribing to each community by hand, I wrote a Ruby script that generated an OPML file, which I then imported into FeedDemon. Win!
Here’s the script:
#!/usr/bin/ruby email = ARGV[0] password = ARGV[1] require 'rubygems' require 'rexml/document' require 'open-uri' require 'cgi' require 'net/https' base_url = 'https://w3.ibm.com/connections/communities/service/atom/' url = base_url + 'communities/my' opml = REXML::Document.new('<opml version="1.0"><head></head><body></body></opml>') body = opml.elements['opml/body'] while url # Fetch the page $stderr.puts "Fetching " + url begin my_communities = REXML::Document.new open(url) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError begin my_communities = REXML::Document.new open(url, {:http_basic_authentication => [email, password]}) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError url = nil end end my_communities.elements.each('*/entry') { |x| # Add it to the OPML $stderr.puts "Found " + x.elements['title'].text if x.elements['id'].text =~ /communityUuid=([^&]+)/ uuid = Regexp.last_match(1) end body.add_element 'outline', {'title' => x.elements['title'].text, 'xmlUrl' => 'https://w3.ibm.com/connections/news/atom/stories/public?source=communities&container=' + uuid } } # Set the URL to the next one url = nil if my_communities.elements['feed/link[@rel="next"]'] url = my_communities.elements['feed/link[@rel="next"]'].attributes['href'] end sleep 5 end puts opml.to_s
If you want just discussion topics and replies, use this instead of the xmlUrl line above:
'xmlUrl' => base_url + 'community/forum?communityUuid=' + uuid
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.