Free Drupal-IBM-Acquia webinar: Integrating Drupal with Enterprise Back-office Systems – Thu Jan 21 2010 1PM EST

| drupal, geek, ibm, work

I coached developers on this project. =) It was pretty darn cool, what they did with Drupal, Websphere, DB2, and web services. Check it out!

Integrating Drupal with Enterprise Back-Office Systems to Deliver a Best of Breed e-Commerce Sites

Join Drupal experts from IBM Global Services as they detail the process of defining business requirements, selecting the appropriate technologies, overcoming the technical enterprise integration challenges, and ultimately launching best of breed e-commerce sites with Drupal.

Key takeaways will include:
A review of the key business and technology decision criteria for selecting Drupal and Acquia
An example of a 3 tiered architecture designed to deliver end-end automation and a flexible platform for future innovation
Tips on how to integrate front-end and back-end systems including Drupal, Websphere, DB2, and ERP system for launching a best of breed e- commerce solution.
A discussion of which Drupal modules and Acquia services are recommended.
Best practices and technologies for building a development and test environment to optimize parallel development and ensure security

This Webinar is designed for those who want to learn more about best practices for designing an enterprise architecture with Drupal at the core and integrating Drupal with other enterprise systems.


(Update: Thanks for catching that!)

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