Gifts and graphs: visualization and gift-giving

| family, life

Many talents might be skills in disguise. For example, my sister Kathy has a flair for giving personal gifts, while I often struggle to think of what to give people. There’s no reason why I can’t gradually learn how to find just the right thing.

In The Back of the Napkin, Dan Roam says that drawing and visual thinking are skills that can be developed, too. He breaks the process down into four parts: look, see, imagine, and show. While it can be hard to figure out how you can get better at visual thinking in general, you can think of ways to get better at observing the world, making sense of patterns, imagining how you’re going to organize the information, and showing your thoughts. Getting better at each of the parts helps you get better at the whole.

Look, see, imagine, and show. That can help me get better at giving gifts and writing cards, too.

  • Look: I can observe people more closely. I can also look at what stores sell more closely.
  • See: I can find patterns that indicate interest. I can see the intended purposes of things.
  • Imagine: I can imagine what people might like or find useful. I can imagine how things can help.
  • Show: I can show what I’ve learned through a gift and a card.

So I can use the same basic idea to improve two of the skills I’d like to work on! (And the same thing probably works for facilitation, too…)

As my mom pointed out, it’s not the gift, but the time and thought that accompanies it.

The Back of the Napkin (Expanded Edition): Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures
Dan Roam

The extended version has a hard cover, colour highlights, and lots of new examples. Like!

(Disclosure: The link above is an Amazon affiliate link. That said, I recommend checking out your local library. I got this book from the Toronto Public Library, yay!)

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