Weekly review: Week ending January 10, 2010
| weekly🔗
- [X] Add people to the Idea Lab
- [X] Help facilitate and summarize the Idea Lab
- [X] Catch up on work mail
- [X] Braindump some more
- [ ] Brainstorm microblogging talk
- Learned more about facilitation by reading books
- Supported training activity
- [X] Talk to W- on Skype
- [/] Catch up with personal mail and blog comments
- Had lots of fun chatting with friends
- Spent time with family
- [X] Get back into the rhythm of writing
- [X] Find a way to post my sketches
- [/] Post blog highlights for the year
- [/] Find or replace water bottle =)
- Learned how to make paper notebooks, hooray!
- [ ] Prepare company profiles for upcoming Innovation Discovery engagements
- [ ] Learn more about facilitation
- [ ] Spend more time with family and friends
- [ ] Look for gifts for my parents and sister
- [ ] Prepare for taking cat along on trip
- [ ] Renew driver's licence in the Philippines
- [ ] Get health certificate for cat
- [ ] Pack my bags and fly back to Toronto
- [ ] Post more sketches
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