Weekly review: Weeks ending December 27, 2009 and January 3, 2010
| weeklyBusy, busy, busy!
From the previous week’s plans for the week ending December 27, 2009:
Set up Idea Lab needed for JanuaryDocument practices and lessons learnedShared my braindumped mindmap internally (see blog)Set up contingency plans, transfer skillsWrote step-by-step- Interview Arvin P. about talking to CEOs Cancelled, Jason Wild’s interview was enough
- Help make cheesecake They did it while I was busy working! ;|
Attend W’s family get-togetherThat was lots of fun =)Fly to the Philippines
Relax (v. important! =) )
For the week ending January 3, 2010:
- Checked in to make sure everything was fine before I left for vacation
- Helped my dad get a netbook; set it up
- Spent lots of time with my family. We went to Siargao, my sister’s favourite island
- Treated myself to a massage and a facial
Plans for next week:
- Add people to the Idea Lab
- Help facilitate and summarize the Idea Lab
- Catch up on work mail
- Braindump some more
- Brainstorm microblogging talk
- Talk to W- on Skype
- Catch up with personal mail and blog comments
- Get back into the rhythm of writing
- Find a way to post my sketches
- Post blog highlights for the year
- Find or replace water bottle =)
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