Weekly review: Week ending February 7, 2010
| weeklyWork
- [/] Revise wiki structure
- [X] Follow up on lessons learned
- Also: Coordinated regarding logo
- Explored archetype analysis spreadsheet – understand it better now
- Created archetype presentation for an upcoming workshop
- Created Idea Lab for another upcoming workshop
- Documented Idea Lab preparation
- Set up community for industry maestros
- Gave a new team member the overview of how information was organized; documented this for the team
- Posted follow-up/analysis of backchannel conversation from microblogging talk
- Had fun documenting things right before people needed them ;)
- Signed up for the Art of Marketing seminar
- [X] Book wedding chambers
- [X] Try out restaurants – looked at 12 restaurants!
- [/] Book reception
- [/] Look for photographers / videographers – decided against wedding photography package, will go for family portraits instead
- [/] Look for cheongsam (there’s a nice one for $75, but it’s probably available for cheaper) – may opt for simple red dress or brocade jacket
- [ ] Start collecting guest addresses – will go for small wedding instead
- [ ] Send care package
- [ ] Plan February tea party
- [ ] Send thank-you notes
- Also: Met up with Quinn while she was in town
- Helped J- with her homework
- Chatted with Jeff Widman about business, life, virtual assistance
- Ordered book for mom
- [ ] Group Siargao pictures into a story
- [/] Plan crafts
- Also: Had regular eye checkup, ordered glasses
- Made orange marmalade
- Sewed a number of zippered pouches
- Made a little felt case for my iPod
- Bought two pairs of jeans (it’s about time…)
- Read lots of books
- Stocked up on zippers and cloth
The week went by so quickly. I postponed a number of items on my task list so that I didn’t go crazy trying to fit everything in. At work, I prioritized supporting upcoming engagements and improving our process documentation. One of our new team members was impressed by the way we’d written down lots of stuff – hooray. Outside work, I focused on planning the wedding and on exploring crafts.
- [ ] Support upcoming workshops by setting up Idea Labs and doing archetype presentations
- [ ] Braindump more of what I know at work
- [ ] Organize teleconference for people working in my neighborhood
- [ ] Give “Shy Connector” presentation to WITI audience
- [ ] Try another restaurant
- [ ] Check out portrait photographers
- [ ] Hand-write invitations and include in care package
- [ ] Sew more zippered pouches
- [ ] Sew wrap-around zippered pouch
- [ ] Work on Siargao scrapbook, really
- [ ] Send invitations for February tea party (end of month-ish?)
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