Weekly review: Week ending March 14, 2010
| weeklyPlans from last week:
- [X] Help with re-run for Remote Presentations that Rock
- [X] Branding / social marketing chat with IBM AU/NZ social media marketing folks
- [X] Prepare collaboration presentation for UK workshop
- [X] Finalize UK workshop travel arrangements
- [X] Prepare for trip
- Also: Sat in on two CIO meetings. It’s so awesome – other people think my work is useful and inspiring! =)
- Gave presentation on microblogging using Lotus Connections Profiles. Encouraged information management team to use it as a virtual watercooler.
- Facilitated discussion during presentation of industry business value assessment study
- Participated in a great blog discussion around virtual leadership
- Helped Rawn Shah edit his virtual leadership article for Forbes
- Got David Ing, David Singer, Ted Tritchew, and Robert Terpstra’s advice on my career plans
- Learned that Bernie Michalik found my to-do notation useful
- Mapped what I want to learn
- Had an awesome meeting with the Toronto Public Library – excited!
- [X] Explore more recipes
- [ ] Sort out photography
- [X] Host tea party
- [X] Tidy up some more
- Also: Inventoried and organized the freezer
- Met wonderful people
- Helped people work on their businesses
- Supported W-‘s crunch time
- [X] Go for follow-up appointment with dental surgeon
- [X] Recover from wisdom teeth extraction
- Also: Back on normal food, yay!
- Booked massage for next weekend
- Adjusted my envelope system (divided investment fund into emergency, sabbatical, and opportunity fund)
- Ordered a small lean-to greenhouse and other things for an even more awesome life
- Experimented with ordering from GroceryGateway (convenient, okay produce, not happy with the asparagus, will probably go with No Frills most of the time)
- Biked to work, yay!
- Planted parsley and peppers
- Switched over to daylight savings time
Plans for next week
- [ ] Facilitate workshop in Reading
- [ ] Find role models in sales and distribution – for interest interviews
- [ ] Have second career chat with my manager
- [ ] Write personal business commitments and individual development plan =)
- [ ] Share how to blog/share more effectively
- [ ] Meet up with awesome folks in London
- [ ] Prepare presentation for PresentationCamp in Toronto
- [ ] Send care package
- [ ] Connect Jeff Muzzerall and Greg Gulyas
- [ ] Keep in touch while in the UK
- [ ] Have proper British food
- [ ] Plant peppers and peas
- [ ] Blog even more
- [ ] Explore podcasting or videocasting or writing briefer notes as a way to get more out there
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