Weekly review: Week ending May 16, 2010
| weeklyPlans from last week:
- [X] Present social media / collaboration ideas at an executive briefing
- [X] Set up two simultaneous Idea Labs
- [X] Update SME note and send it to Julia
- [X] Follow up on IBM innovation journey – refine into presentation
- [X] Put together En glish summary for past Idea Lab – someone else contributed a translation, hooray!
- Helped Cate Huston settle in
- Met with mentors
- Put together checklists/activity templates for post-engagement follow-up, Idea Labs
- Launched expertise search pilot for our group
- [X] Cook another batch of food – arroz caldo, chicken curry, and lots of chicken soup
- [X] Explore woodworking
- [-] Edit stuff – spring cleaning
- [-] Map past few years of blog posts
- [X] Draw more
- [-] Make organizer
- Made wallet, Moleskine covers, zippered pouch, etc. – getting the hang of this sewing thing!
- Planted parsley bed
- Sawed top off shelf so that it fits into the greenhouse
- Set up Nginx, PHP, and WordPress
- Shared org-toodledo
Plans for next week
- [ ] Launch and facilitate two Idea Labs
- [ ] Give “Remote Presentations That Rock” v2 presentation
- [ ] Have more mentoring meetings
- [ ] Write newsletter tool and use it for EAD
- [ ] Book bed-and-breakfast for my parents
- [ ] Check out photographers
- [ ] Coordinate
- [ ] Edit stuff – spring cleaning
- [ ] Plan tea party
- [ ] Make a list of more craft ideas
- [ ] Get through crunchy week
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