Weekly review: Week ending May 9, 2010
| weeklyThat was a very busy weekend. =)
From last week’s plans:
- [X] TOP: Facilitate Idea Lab and summarize results
- [X] Revise “Remote Presentations That Rock”
- [X] Follow up on expertise location pilot
- [-] Reflect on IBMers at their best – map competencies to how I currently practice them and how I want to grow
- [-] Post more thoughts on career growth
- [X] Work on garden frame
- [X] Send some more information that my mom needs for her visa application
- [X] Plant the rest of the herbs
- [X] Send additional information to lawyer
- [-] Spring cleaning: wardrobe, bedside table, living room, etc.
- [X] More organization: try belt pouch + bag system – working well!
Plans for the week ending May 16, 2010:
- [ ] Present social media / collaboration ideas at an executive briefing
- [ ] Set up two simultaneous Idea Labs
- [ ] Update SME note and send it to Julia
- [ ] Follow up on IBM innovation journey – refine into presentation
- [ ] Put together English summary for past Idea Lab
- [ ] Cook another batch of food
- [ ] Explore woodworking
- [ ] Edit stuff – spring cleaning
- [ ] Map past few years of blog posts
- [ ] Draw more
- [ ] Make organizer
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