Weekly review: Week ending July 11, 2010
| weeklyThe tea party turned out to be a lemonade-and-fruits party. It was a wonderful stretch. Twelve people came, and we had lots of interesting conversations. People loved the fruits, home-made biscuits and jam, and home-grown peas. It took little time to prepare and tidy up, and it was well worth it. =) I’d like to host another get-together in August, although it’ll be interesting to figure out how we can make more people comfortable.
Plans from last week:
- [X] Finalize posters
- [X] Revise expertise locator note
- [X] Talk to manager in Lotus (IBM)
- Supported upcoming engagements in terms of expertise location and Idea Lab planning
- Supported training programs by creating charts and material
- Improved newsletter and community toolkit
- [X] Host tea party on Saturday – Just canned blueberry jam, kiwi jam, and apricot syrup. Perfect excuse to make biscuits and banana bread. Also good time to raid the garden for a pea shoot and nasturtium flower salad, and green beans and garlic scapes. Maybe bruschetta with basil too. =) Mmm…
- [C] Check out High Park picnic potluck organized by Gail Vaz-Oxlade – spent the day doing chores and helping J- with ukulele
- [ ] Drop off marriage licence application – filled out, still need to drop it off; wedding postponed to October-ish due to parents’ visa delays
- [ ] Fix jacket for tea ceremony – postponed because of wedding delay
- [-] Try more videoblogging – recorded some more
- [X] Practice ukulele for at least half an hour a day. Have to work on those calluses…
Plans for next week:
- [ ] Support upcoming workshops
- [ ] Plan for and have mid-year review
- [ ] Consolidate community toolkit
- [ ] Organize a get-together or spend time with friends
- [ ] Reschedule all the services related to the wedding
- [ ] Cook a new recipe
- [ ] Find a singing teacher
- [ ] Learn how to play “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” on the ukulele
- [ ] Identify and work on clutter spots
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