Weekly review: Week ending July 26, 2010
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From last week's plans:
- [X] Launch idea lab
- [-] Launch expertise location pilot and invite SMEs – sent note, drafted SME note
- [X] Follow up with experts
- [X] Set up my Lotus Notes development environment – Whee!
- [X] Sort out wedding plans: re-check assumptions, constraints? – October 2?
- [-] Share cheesecake with friends: Finished before anyone could come over.
- [-] Help work on chair: postponed due to humidity
- Helped Maira learn more about cooking. Looked into how to make alfredo sauce from scratch – should be easy!
- Mended the laundry basket (yay sewing!)
- Made pesto, mmmm
- Filled the freezer with individual portions of food. Must be getting the hang of it, as I don't remember spending lots of time in the kitchen, just having lots of fun. =)
- Planted more peas
- [-] Buy my own ukulele tuner: Don't need it for now
- [X] Collect and try out more songs: Getting pretty good at this! =)
- [X] Sew more tops and accessories: Got lots of practice, although knits are still a challenge
- Decluttered: donated a few bags of old clothes, houseware items
- Bought a few tops from Value Village, am happy with finds
Plans for next week:
- [ ] Support upcoming workshops
- [ ] Re-use Idea Lab results
- [ ] Launch expertise pilot with SMEs
- [ ] Explore possible expertise specialist position
- [ ] Add features to community toolkit plugin
- [ ] Experiment with more recipes (instead of hiring cooking teacher? More sustainable, and we've got the basics sorted out already)
- [ ] Reflect on happiness with a friend, co-writing a blog entry
- [ ] Follow up with people from tweetup, learning about them and their interests
- [ ] Coordinate with family on new date
- [ ] Organize everything into neat zippered pouches, etc.
- [ ] Declutter: Eliminate one thing a day
- [ ] Sign up for singing lessons
- [ ] Take advantage of free studio time at the Sewing Studio (Sunday, 2pm to 6pm – get all of my cutting and serging and sewing done, and get some exercise on the way there and back too)
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