Week ending August 29, 2010
Posted: - Modified: | weekly
From last week's plans
- Work
- [X] Have several mentoring conversations
- [X] Run Energy & Utilities Idea Lab
- [X] Work on bookmark tool for Boz and Yael
- [X] Prepare presentation on sharing
- [X] Move feed magic tool
- Reflected on career, figured out what I want my next step to be
- Relationships
- [-] Confirm accommodations and photographer: Accommodations booked, confirming with photographer
- [X] Apply for marriage licence
- [C] Plan tea party
- Life
- [X] Set up twine support for peas
- [X] Organize my notes
- [X] Tweak schedule so that weekly reviews go out on Sunday or Monday
- Painted my chair Pooh Bear Yellow (works reasonably well with W-‘s Bibbidi Bobbidi Blue chair
- Bought tablet PC: Lenovo X61T
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Plan Idea Labs: Follow up on other Idea Labs
- [ ] Classroom to Client: Finish formatting Idea Lab presentation for ThinkLabs
- [ ] Classroom to Client: Create community and structure online resoruces
- [ ] Connections Toolkit: Build Activities reporter
- [ ] Build mailto form processor
- [ ] Track down Client Business Value report
- Relationships
- [ ] Wedding: Plan transportation
- [ ] Hobbies: Reassemble chair
- Life
- [ ] Set up laptop: Experiment with workflow
- [ ] Sleep by 10
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