Weekly review: Week ending August 1, 2010
| weeklyWork
- [X] Support upcoming workshops
- [X] Re-use Idea Lab results
- [X] Launch expertise pilot with SMEs
- [X] Explore possible expertise specialist position
- [X] Add features to community toolkit plugin
- Helped community owners learn more about vitality and metrics
- Added statistics to Lotus Notes community tools plugin
- Learned how to modify Lotus Notes plugins and use Expeditor!
- [X] Experiment with more recipes (instead of hiring cooking teacher? More sustainable, and we’ve got the basics sorted out already)
- [-] Reflect on happiness with a friend, co-writing a blog entry – postponed to next week
- [-] Follow up with people from tweetup, learning about them and their interests
- [X] Coordinate with family on new date
- Helped a friend learn more about cooking
- Tidied up my computer
- Had great conversations about connecting, introductions, etc.
- [-] Organize everything into neat zippered pouches, etc.
- [-] Declutter: Eliminate one thing a day
- [C] Sign up for singing lessons – focusing on other things right now
- [-] Take advantage of free studio time at the Sewing Studio (Sunday, 2pm to 6pm – get all of my cutting and serging and sewing done, and get some exercise on the way there and back too)
- Also: Cleared and replanted parts of the garden
- Learned more about woodworking
- Drew, yay!
- Explored Craigslist a little more
Long-weekend focus: declutter space, organize information
- [ ] Organize upcoming Idea Labs
- [ ] Answer more requests for community toolkit
- [ ] Package Lotus Notes plugin
- [ ] Declutter living room
- [ ] Follow up with people, learning about them and their interests
- [ ] Catch up with mylifeandart
- [ ] Draw more! =)
- [ ] Create an index for images, book notes, blog posts, etc.
- [ ] Plan next tea party
- [ ] Price-match blender if possible
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