Weekly review: Week ending August 22, 2010
| weeklyPlans from last week:
- [X] Share notes and follow up on action items from training
- [-] Prepare presentation on sharing and workflow – written up, but not yet illustrated
- [X] Organize and run Idea Labs – one down, another to go
- [X] Follow up on expertise pilot – shared with team member, whew!
- [-] Draft follow-up presentations / articles on eminence?
- Started working on bookmark summarization tool
- Reflected on career options
- Prepared ThinkLabs information
- Learned about Pickover format for evaluating invention disclosures
- Talked about my community tool and social analytics
- Helped organize non-Innovation-Discovery Idea Labs
- Attended meeting for potential Drupal project
- [X] Have dinner with W’s parents – keeping my name, clashing with traditions
- [X] Go to W’s family get-together
- [ ] Plan tea party for end of August or beginning of September
- [-] Sort out accommodations / travel plans for my family – checked out some places
- Helped rescue Maira from temporary housing crisis
- [X] Catch up after busy weekend
- [-] Organize notes
- Finished Scott Pilgrim game on Average Joe setting
Plans for next week:
- [ ] Have several mentoring conversations
- [ ] Run Energy & Utilities Idea Lab
- [ ] Work on bookmark tool for Boz and Yael
- [ ] Prepare presentation on sharing
- [ ] Confirm accommodations and photographer
- [ ] Apply for marriage licence
- [ ] Plan tea party
- [ ] Set up twine support for peas
- [ ] Organize my notes
- [ ] Tweak schedule so that weekly reviews go out on Sunday or Monday
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