Weekly review: Week ending August 8, 2010
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Long-weekend focus: declutter space, organize information
- [X] Organize upcoming Idea Labs
- [X] Answer more requests for community toolkit: statistics, bugfixes, etc.
- [ ] Package Lotus Notes plugin – postponed, but worked on community membership management for Lotus Notes plugin
- Helped revise slides and posters
- Helped a client learn more about Idea Labs
- Gave mentoring advice
- Talked to potential new team
- [X] Declutter living room – wow! so different now.
- [ ] Follow up with people, learning about them and their interests – still haven’t followed up on tweetup or class
- [X] Catch up with mylifeandart
- Bought a television and a Playstation 3
- Bought latest book in Artemis Fowl series
- Treated W- and J- to Despicable Me, which was lots of fun
- Experimented with the Litter Robot – wonder if the cats will take to it. Pricey, but if it works…
- Decluttered living room and gave away a third of our books
- Harvested our first bitter melon and made pinakbet with it =)
- [-] Draw more! =)
- [-] Create an index for images, book notes, blog posts, etc. – scanned my sketches
- [-] Plan next tea party – maybe end of month?
- [C] Price-match blender if possible – cancelled because of price differences for colour
- Posted lots of reflections
- Replanted large parts of the garden
- Upgraded to Lucid Lynx
Next week’s plans:
- Organize upcoming Idea Labs
- Attend training for Application Innovation Services consultants
- Work on plugin to make it easier for other people to organize Idea Labs
- Contact briefing consultants regarding the expertise pilot
- Send a quick note to people I met at VXToronto and in woodworking class
- Mail lots of jam
- Pick up more travel business wear at the Tilley sale
- Outline my “lifeline of books” (see “Write for Your Lives”)
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