Week ending September 12, 2010
Posted: - Modified: | weekly
From last week's plans
- Work
- [X] Classroom to Client: Create community and structure online resources
- [X] Connections Toolkit: Build Activities reporter
- [X] Classroom to Client: Format Idea Lab reference presentation
- [X] Idea Labs: Assist with planning, process RSVPs
- [X] Career: Set up Ruby on Rails
- Helped Darrel Rader with blog feed
- Helped Sunaina with Notes e-mail conversion
- Finalized Idea Lab reference
- Had great conversation with Boz, Rooney, Kieran, etc. about culture and sharing
- Followed up on expertise location, sent draft report
- Collected interesting Lotus Connections practices into a presentation
- Put together match-up slide for IBM acquisitions
- Relationships
- [X] Wedding: Plan NYC trip
- Helped paint the hallway
- Attended Linda and Tim's party
- Life
- [ ] Sew dress: Transfer dots and mark stitching lines – postponed until after wedding
- [X] Chair: Paint and assemble chair
- [X] Productivity: Tweak GTD process – use Org for my weekly review/project template
- [X] Productivity: Organize files
- Added weekly lifestream archive
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Support Classroom to Client: Collect lessons learned and create new material
- [ ] Build Connections Toolkit: Make GUI
- [ ] Organize Idea Labs: Update invitation template
- [ ] Build career: Prototype Drupal site and learn about new practices along the way
- [ ] Build career: Mentor people
- Relationships
- [ ] Plan wedding: Plan BBQ
- [ ] Plan wedding: Make checklist and timeline for next two weeks
- Life
- [ ] Improve productivity: File inbox items from my Org file
Elsewhere on the Net
sachac: @hypatiadotca Happy to drop them off at the HackLab open house if Tuesday's not rainy. =) With jam, too, for toast and stuff! (Sat, Sep 11, 2010)
sachac: #FF @lindaristevski @ian_g @blm849 @skemsley @taniasam @hypatiadotca @hilarity_ensues @accordionguy @ianirving and other friends in Toronto (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @mikesansone Thanks for the #FF! =) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @hypatiadotca All win belong to you. =) Have you decided re location? Want jalapeno peppers? Our garden overfloweth, but not enough to can. (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
IKEA Lets 100 Cats Loose in Store – TIME NewsFeed (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
Ikea Happy Inside Cats Video (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @blm849 Oh, absolutely. =) Lies, damned lies, and statistics, and all that. ;)(Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: Ikea cat ad makes me feel happy inside: http://vodpod.com/watch/4408918-ikea-happy-inside-cats (more home-like than cookies baking in oven) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
8 recommended books on visual thinking (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
For every site a make file (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @lbenitez Good luck! I think the #ibmexperience is awesome. =) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @jamiemcquay Congratulations! May you have many more anniversaries to come. =) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: City of Toronto has sense of humour, yay. =) E-waste: http://www.boingboing.net/2010/09/09/city-of-torontos-e-w.html (pity about backslash) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @debh2u Thanks for the #FF, and for sharing those slides with your friends! =) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @blm849 But it's so fun exposing people's actual behavior using statistics, like the post you linked to… ;) My, what a datastore. (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
sachac: @kittenthebad Sometime, when life settles down a bit for both of us. =) The good thing about happiness is that it's a timeless topic. (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
The Joy of Less (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
sachac: @kittenthebad Doing awesome! Attended virtual networking thing for IBM remote employees yesterday, had fun, wrote up notes. Posting soon. =) (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
sachac: @blm849 Fascinating! I'm always up for statistical analyses and models of communication. See also: okcupid blog. (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: How To Tell Who Is Influencing Whom in a Group Discussion (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
sachac: @blm849 Or a cat with pointy bits. =) (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
Are You Saving Too Much? (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
Spigit Offers Release S3 to a Maturing Market (Thu, Sep 9, 2010)
Getting a job: Is there a motherhood penalty? (Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
ChessBase.com – Chess News – Male chess players show elevated aggressiveness against women (Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
sachac: @allanschoenberg We need fewer rockstars (http://j.mp/b5yjbg) and more humans. ;) Thanks for the rec, @jgombita! (Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
sachac: Accidentally in Code » 10 Things I Learned About Presenting in Extreme Blue: http://disq.us/m6akl (@kittenthebad) (Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
Accidentally in Code » 10 Things I Learned About Presenting in Extreme Blue (Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
Blog:Tomas Roggero » Blog Archive » Lifestream Documentation and Debugging(Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
sachac: @MarcinMokaPhoto Hello to you too! =) (Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
Teach a Kid to Argue – Figures of Speech (Wed, Sep 8, 2010)
sachac: @heidigoseek I find I can't stand listening to nonfiction – reading is so much faster. Fiction, though, when read really well… Awesome! (Tue, Sep 7, 2010)
sachac: @heidigoseek We regularly raid the library for audiobooks, movies, and magazines… =) Yay libraries! (Tue, Sep 7, 2010)
sachac: @heidigoseek We're big fans of the Bartimaeus trilogy, read by Nathaniel Parker. =) (Tue, Sep 7, 2010)
The Philippine Traditional Costumes (Tue, Sep 7, 2010)
FILIPINO GIRL PAPER DOLL CARD TOPPER SET OF 2 by kirakirahoshi (Tue, Sep 7, 2010)
Why Is Knowledge Sharing Important? A Matter of Survival (Mon, Sep 6, 2010)
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