Weekly review: Week ending October 24, 2010
| weeklyAlmost back to normal. The freezer is full of lunch portions of rice, chicken, squash, and vegetables. Life is good.
From last week's plans
- Work
- [X] Work on Drupal project: Learn about Features
- [X] Work on Drupal project: Try out CiviCRM
- [X] Organize Idea Labs: Support Idea Lab
- [X] Build Connections Toolkit: Add event feed and other information
- [X] Build career: Configure hard-disk encryption
- Also: Idea Labs: Export discussion spreadsheet
- Relationships
- [X] Wedding: Send thank-you notes
- [X] Wedding: Download and organize photos
- [X] Shared interests: Try a new recipe
- Had dinner with Maira
- Attended Rebecca's birthday parthy
- Visited Morgan, Cathy, and Micah
- Life
- [X] Improve productivity: Track sleep, wake-up, and snooze
- [X] Sew dress: Mark chalk lines on dress
- Sewing: Sewed most of dress
- Sewing: Set up serger
- Added folder and goal support to my copy of org-toodledo
- Added org capture template that uses org-toodledo tasks and folders
- Checked out library books
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Drupal: Work on Drupal project
- [ ] Idea Labs: Help compile Idea Lab results
- [ ] Idea Labs: Touch base with Innovation Discovery team
- [ ] Speaking: Give presentation for IBM Toronto Lab Toastmasters: “But what can I talk about?”
- [ ] Connections Toolkit: Split off source code for easy packaging on catalog.lotus.com
- Relationships
- [ ] Sewing: Make burp cloths for nephew
- [ ] Friends: Host get-together
- Life
- [ ] Sewing: Fix seams for dress, add zipper
- [ ] Buy winter things
- [ ] Cook green tomatoes
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