Weekly review: Week ending October 31, 2010
| weeklyFrom last week's plans
- Work
- [X] Drupal: Work on Drupal project
- [X] Idea Labs: Help compile Idea Lab results
- [X] Idea Labs: Touch base with Innovation Discovery team
- [X] Speaking: Give presentation for IBM Toronto Lab Toastmasters: “But what can I talk about?”
- [-] Connections Toolkit: Split off source code for easy packaging on catalog.lotus.com – postponed, busy!
- Drupal: Made AutoHotkey script for copying tasks into Rational Team Concert
- Drupal: Set up virtual machine for integration server
- Volunteered for job shadowing and had fun. Francis probably now more interested in computers and engineering than before.
- Started working on deck for social media and retail
- Sent my manager possible contacts for my yearly review
- Made lots of frozen lunch portions
- Relationships
- [-] Sewing: Make burp cloths for nephew – bought fabric
- [X] Friends: Host get-together
- Helped J- learn more about writing
- Life
- [-] Sewing: Fix seams for dress, add zipper – postponed, busy this weekend
- [-] Buy winter things – not yet stocked in stores
- [-] Cook green tomatoes
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Work on yearly review documentation
- [ ] Give presentation on social media and retail
- [ ] Work on Drupal project: get integration server set up, etc.
- Relationships
- [ ] Write stories
- [ ] Smoothen household routines
- Life
- [ ] Go to writing group
- [ ] Redeem salon coupon
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