Weekly review: Week ending November 14, 2010
| weeklyFrom last week's plans
- Work
- [C] Drupal: Display faceted search results in calendar form – low priority
- [-] Work on yearly review documentation – project assessment and personal business commitments review
- Wrote test cases and code for access control for both Drupal projects, yay
- Attended sessions from Reinvention storytelling summit, posted visual notes
- Relationships
- [X] Watch Wicked with W- and J- – it was awesome!
- [-] Improve household routines: declutter and streamline
- [X] Give burp cloths and Teach Your baby to Morgan and Cathy
- Helped J- with her assignment on tracking one week's groceries. Fun!
- Life
- [-] Attend writing group session – postponed to next week
- [-] Bike
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Submit yearly review
- [ ] Drupal: Write more of the access control code
- [ ] Sketchnote more sessions from the storytelling summit
- Relationships
- [ ] Write Christmas cards
- [ ] Make and buy gifts
- Declutter and streamline: winter stuff
- Life
- [ ] Attend writing group session
- [ ] Bike to work (maybe 15th, 16th?)
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