Weekly review: Week ending November 19, 2010
| weeklyFrom last week's plans
- Work
- [X] Submit yearly review
- [X] Drupal: Write more of the access control code
- [X] Sketchnote more sessions from the storytelling summit
- Innovation Discovery: Told Luis Chiang-Carbonell about Compfight for finding Creative Commons photos
- Drupal project: Installed the Rational Team Concert Jazz client. It's cool!
- Helped more people with community toolkit
- Planned upcoming workshops/presentations
- Drupal project: Led first sprint demo
- Drupal project: Helped with noderef design
- Drupal project: Got the hang of content_permissions> and node access!
- Relationships
- [X] Write Christmas cards
- [X] Make and buy gifts
- Planned Skype get-together for family
- Baked brownies, mm!
- Had game night with Linda and Gabriel – played Chez Geek and Guillotine. Might pick up Guillotine, or maybe Bohnanza.
- Life
- [C] Attend writing group session – spent the day
- [C] Bike to work (maybe 15th, 16th?) – took the TTC instead
- Discussed possibility of getting Android phone
- Installed Android development kit
- Experimented with waking up early, yay!
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Drupal project: Polish programs, work on events
- [ ] Drupal project: Work on items identified during sprint review
- [ ] Community toolkit: Build blog summarizer
- [ ] Drupal: Explore making a diagramming tool for node references – dot?
- Relationships
- [ ] Help with homework
- [ ] Cook more
- Life
- [ ] Look into Android development
- [ ] Plan upcoming presentations / posts
- [ ] Catch up on drawing some of the other Reinvention Summit sessions I missed
- [ ] Draw other talks
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