Weekly review: Week ending November 26, 2010
| weeklyFrom last week's plans
- Work
- [-] Drupal project: Polish programs, work on events (removed events from scope)
- [X] Drupal project: Work on items identified during sprint review
- [X] Community toolkit: Build blog summarizer
- [-] Drupal: Explore making a diagramming tool for node references – dot?
- Drupal: Prototyped practitioner – educator selection using AJAX, woohoo! Node references had to be AHAH-ed in pre_render>
- Drupal: Prototyped investor graph using Raphael JS
- Community: Updated README.txt with better instructions
- Helped Brandon Anderson (knowledge and collaboration) learn how to use Community Toolkit to export forum posts
- Volunteered to help with Lotusphere 2011 resources for evangelists
- Helped community improve communications strategy
- Submitted revised annual review notes, whee!
- Shared updated Web 2.0 and retail deck
- Volunteered to help with Smarter Planet sales community
- Relationships
- [X] Help with homework
- [X] Cook more – made pad thai from mostly-scratch – home-made sauce this time!
- Set up three-way Skype chat with family
- Sent a number of Christmas cards
- Life
- [X] Look into Android development – woohoo! Bought an Android, have been hacking on it!
- [-] Plan upcoming presentations / posts
- [-] Catch up on drawing some of the other Reinvention Summit sessions I missed
- [-] Draw other talks
- Tweaked MobileOrg =D
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Drupal: Get project S in shape for Iteration 2 review
- [ ] Drupal: Take on more development responsibilities for project M
- [ ] Prepare standalone presentation on collaboration in the enterprise for Dec 10 launch
- [ ] Go through open source process so that I can contribute MobileOrg patches back to community
- Relationships
- [ ] Prepare food for the week
- [ ] Take care of things while W- is in crunch mode
- [ ] Set up regular schedule of Skype chats with family
- [ ] Write and send more cards
- Life
- [ ] Android: Tweak MobileOrg some more
- [ ] Android: Think about that grocery/inventory app I want to build (like GTracker, but with tweaks)
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.