Monthly review: March 2011
Posted: - Modified: | monthlyI found this in my draft folder. Might as well post it!
Plans for March:
Ah, March. Wrapping up the first quarter with several projects on the go and even more proposals underway. I’m starting to get the hang of this. I wish the paperwork was smoother, and that we had more people in IBM with whom I could share Drupal and Rails projects! =)
Warmer weather means it’s time to get the garden going. We still get a bit of snowfall, but the forecast is looking up. Plenty of rain means free watering and no fussing about with hoses that could still freeze.
From last month’s plans
Shepherd more projects to signing and work[X]
Learn how to implement web services on Websphere Application Server[X]
Create and deliver more presentations[X]
Finish blog series on blogging
Host another get-together[-]
Build a set of people to call once a week[X]
Check out Toastmasters again[X]
Practise driving
Refine my plans[X]
Start seedlings
Plans for next month
[ ]
Get a good prototype together for project C[ ]
Get the paperwork in place for project M[ ]
Prepare for training on project I[ ]
Help with other work[ ]
Assist with “Get Social, Do Business”
[ ]
Put together more study group resources[ ]
Practise driving[ ]
Prepare for May trip
[ ]
Start garden[ ]
Write and draw a lot[ ]
Focus discretionary time on plans and experiments
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