Organizing my digital life
| geekW- upgraded our file server to a RAID-1 configuration (mirroring without parity or striping) using two 1.8-terabyte disks. Now we can back up and reorganize our files, and set up regular backup routines too. It’s a good time to think about what I want from archives and how I can organize them to improve retrieval and serendipity.
What would a good archive be like?
HTML and images of my blog, so that I can browse it and recover even if I mess up my database or my images[X]
Database backup of my blog, so that I can restore it more easily – test by setting up virtual host[X]
Backup of my whole website[X]
Backup of my personal files (,, ledger, etc.)[X]
Photos, sketches, and book notes, organized so that I can browse/search by keywords and other criteria, maybe get statistics- Inbox
- Processed
- Favourites?
[ ]
Backup of Twitter/Facebook activity, perhaps using ThinkUp[ ]
Database of books I’ve checked out from the library: title, author, ID, start date, end date, and maybe any notes I have (possible link to Goodreads if I can get that working?)
What would good workflows look like?
- Copy files off the camera and put them in my folders.
- Use Bibble5 to rate the photos and process them.
- Export the pictures and upload them to Picasa and Facebook.
- Order prints.
Blog posts:
- Draft posts using in my Emacs, or use ScribeFire to draft graphical posts.
- Illustrate them with sketches or photos (optional).
- Publish to blog.
- Save daily backups of database and monthly backups of HTML.
- Print blog dump monthly.
- Do a monthly or weekly review of unpublished drafts to see if I can build on them.
- Review past years’ blog posts to see if I can build on any.
What do I want to access from my laptop while I’m at home?
- Personal files / documents
- 1024×768 versions of sketches and favourite photos
- Presentations organized by topic?
What do I want to be able to access offline or away from home?
- Personal files / documents
Hmm, might be worth saving up for a larger hard disk drive for my laptop, too…
How do you get more value out of your archives?
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