Stories from our trip: Furry caterpillar
| family, life, travelFrom October 7: I skittered across the pool in the opposite direction from the floating divider and the furry caterpillar I glimpsed. It had huge hairs sticking out of it, which sometimes means major irritation, which means me being far away. W- was unperturbed. Amused, even.
"I think I’ve figured you out," W- said afterwards.
"Yes! You: Furry cat? Okay. Furry caterpillar? Not okay."
I nodded.
"Jelly? Okay. Fish? Okay," he said. "Jellyfish? Not okay."
"Now that you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense."
Image © 2007 zenera, Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License
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