High school acceptance, yay!

| life

J- got into the CyberArts high school program! One of the coordinators called this week to offer acceptance and compliment her on her portfolio. She worked hard on that portfolio, which included a milk carton she designed for a grade 8 project, the digitally coloured Powerpoint sketch presentation she made in Grade 7, and a few sketches.

The program involves classes in art, photography, digital imaging, and photography. We talked to students during the school’s information night. They said that the workload gradually ramps up, and that the assignments can take a lot of work but that they’re worth it. J-‘s mom is a designer and both W- and I are into tech, so we’ll probably be able to help her figure things out. (She’ll still have to do all the work, of course!)

J-‘s drawing skills have improved tremendously in the past year. Her teachers say that she almost always uses her spare time to do something artistic. Inspiring! Maybe that’s one of the things I’ll use my newly flexible schedule for – improving my drawing and sketching skills so that I can create more engaging ways to help people learn.

Exciting times ahead.

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