Emacs: Chatting with John Wiegley about the cool things he does with Emacs
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, Emacs Chat, podcastJohn Wiegley – June 26, 2012 from Sacha Chua on Vimeo.
Transcript: https://sachachua.com/blog/2012/07/transcript-emacs-chat-john-wiegley/
Read more context for John Wiegley’s thoughts on the GPL. Note from Sacha: The WordPress folks seem to have figured out how to earn money with premium themes, plugins, and training, so it’s not incompatible with the GPL… =)
John Wiegley is one of my Emacs heroes. =) Check out John’s Emacs configuration and other tools on Github. John occasionally posts Emacs-related things at newartisans.com. You can find him on Twitter as @jwiegley. Enjoy!
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