Weekly review: Week ending June 29, 2012
| weeklyWhat a productive week! I went to three meetups and posted sketchnotes for two of them. I chatted with John Wiegley about how he uses Emacs, and I transcribed the conversation. I finished reviewing the past ten years of blog posts, spent the weekend formatting them as a screen-optimized PDF, and released it for sale on the Internet. People say that the first sale is always the hardest, and now that I’m over that hump, I’m looking forward to where these adventures take me.
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1: Community prototyping, in-person training[X]
Earn: R1: I18n, invoice[X]
Build: Edit more blog highlights; finish 2003[-]
Build: Build a backlog of posts[-]
Connect: Prepare Girl Geeks Dinner talk[X]
Connect: Go to WordPress meetup[X]
Connect: Go to torontob2b meetup- Earn: Sold e-books! =D
- Build: Ordered emergency charger for phone
- Build: Changed cellphone to business credit card
- Build: Chatted with John Wiegley and transcribed the recording
- Build: Posted four-month update
- Connect: Posted sketchnotes from Third Tuesday Toronto and #torontob2b meetups
- Connect: Chatted with Nick regarding note-taking
- Connect: Followed up after meetups; entered notes into org-contacts
Cook a large batch of food[-]
Get together with friends?
Play Lego Batman 2- Completed story mode for LEGO Batman 2
- Read a ton of books
Plans for next week
[ ]
Earn: E1: Community prototyping[ ]
Earn: R1: Transition[ ]
Build: Create EPUB version of book[ ]
Build: Schedule next Emacs chat[ ]
Connect: Prepare for Quantified Self talk at Girl Geeks Toronto[ ]
Connect: Chat with Suchitra[ ]
Connect: Chat with Med[ ]
Connect: Follow up some more
[ ]
Help move everything out of shed[ ]
Move rear planter box[ ]
Cook a lot
[ ]
Plan The Dark Knight Rises get-together[ ]
Write =)
Time notes
- Business: 37:50 (E1 19:35, connect 15:42)
- Discretionary: 47:59 (writing 25:22 (!), social 1:18, Emacs 4:33, LEGO Batman 6:42)
- Personal: 22:06 (biking 10:14, routines 8:22)
- Sleep: 55:50) 0 (average 8 hours per day)
- Unpaid work: 4:13
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