Weekly review: Week ending July 6, 2012
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyLots of things not crossed out on my to-do list, but I focused on doing other things instead. We spent the holiday weekend clearing the shed and fixing up the garden, and we’re looking forward to having a new shed in August. I’ve engaged an accountant/bookkeeper for advice, and I’ve been learning a lot. I’m starting to feel a little scattered, though, so I should pull myself inwards a little – maybe once I get past next week and all its events…
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1: Community prototyping[-]
Earn: R1: Transition[-]
Build: Create EPUB version of book[-]
Build: Schedule next Emacs chat[X]
Connect: Prepare for Quantified Self talk at Girl Geeks Toronto[X]
Connect: Chat with Suchitra[-]
Connect: Chat with Med[X]
Connect: Follow up some more- Earn: E1 ads, homepage redesign
- Build: Transcribed Emacs chat
- Build: Scanned and organized my business notebook
Help move everything out of shed[-]
Move rear planter box[-]
Cook a lot
Plan The Dark Knight Rises get-together[X]
Write =)- Played LEGO Batman 2
Plans for next week
[ ]
Earn: E1: Community prototyping, homepage redesign, help[ ]
Earn: R1: Transition?[ ]
Connect: Give Quantified Self talk at Toronto Girl Geeks Dinner[ ]
Connect: Help host Quantified Self Toronto[ ]
Connect: Attend TPL Small Business Meetup at the Toronto Reference Library[ ]
Build: Learn about EPUB[ ]
Build: Transcribe Emacs screencast
Visit Hattoris[ ]
Plan the Dark Knight Rises get-together?- Drafted response to letter
[ ]
Relax- Went strawberry picking
Time notes
- Business: 42:08 (E1 26:15, connect 5:26)
- Discretionary: 36:44 (writing 9:23, social 0:12, Emacs 2:23, LEGO Batman 4:33)
- Personal: 24:02 (biking 5:36, routines 13:02)
- Sleep: 55:39 (average 7.9 hours per day)
- Unpaid work: 9:24
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.