Weekly review: Week ending July 27, 2012
| weeklyTablet tablet tablet tablet tablet. =)
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1: Revise training material, prototype communities[X]
Connect: Conversation about lifelogging[X]
Connect: Take sketchnotes at Third Tuesday Toronto[X]
Connect: Attend MobileDev.TO launch[-]
Build: Start preparing Quantified Self talk[X]
Build: Learn more about Android development[X]
Build: Order TF700 tablet, wheee![X]
Build: Improve Quantified Awesome JSON support[X]
Build: Get Emacs to automatically generate my time summaries- Tried out TF700 tablet, whee!
- R1: Helped Luis learn more about the code
Map out more friends and get in touch with them[X]
Get together with friends and talk about libraries
Draw for fun[X]
Analyze ManicTime data – hmm, not very useful for me- Played LEGO Batman 2
Plans for next week
[ ]
Earn: More community prototyping; bring on Shad Valley student[ ]
Connect: Have lunch with Eric[ ]
Connect: Attend “Decoding Gen Y Online Communities”[ ]
Build: Learn more about Android development[ ]
Build: Keep tweaking my TF700 setup
Change my SFO itinerary[ ]
Go to Elena’s birthday picnic
Do some gardening[ ]
Write about tablet[ ]
Figure out how the tablet fits into my workflow
Time notes
- Business: 61.2 hours (E1: 30.7)
- Discretionary: 12.1 hours (Emacs: 0.6, Social: 4.8, Writing: 4.2)
- Personal: 24.4 hours (Biking: 6.1, Routines: 14.7)
- Sleep: 54.0 hours – average of 7.7 hours per day
- Unpaid work: 15.8 hours (Cook: 2.7)
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