Weekly review: Week ending August 31, 2012
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyLots of sleep this week. =) Lots of connecting with people, too, and
lots of drawing! Looking forward to focusing on my own things next
From last week’s plans
- Business
Earn: Wrap up E1[X]
Earn: Send R1 timesheet[X]
Connect: Attend QS Toronto organizer meeting[X]
Connect: Meet Craig Flynn and Ian Garmaise[-]
Connect: Revise slides for Quantified Self conference[-]
Connect: Set up Google Hangout to discuss blogging and delegation[-]
Build: Improve delegation processes[-]
Build: Write/draw six month business review, plans for next six
months- Connect: Connected Alan with Kevin re sales
- Build: Enabled two-factor authentication on key services
- Relationships
Help W- paint shed[X]
Cook lots of food[-]
Check out farmers’ market- Attended Emma’s get-together
- Life
Re-read blog posts, put together annual review
Plans for next week
- Business
[ ]
Connect: Revise slides for Quantified Self conference[ ]
Connect: Set up Bay Area get-togethers[ ]
Build: Write/draw six month business review, plans for next six
months[ ]
Connect: Clear my inbox[ ]
Connect: Help with project O
- Relationships
[ ]
Cook a lot of food[ ]
Get ready for flight[ ]
Get my phone unlocked[ ]
Send snail mail birthday cards
- Life
[ ]
Draw monthly review[ ]
Draw yearly review[ ]
Return library items before I go away
Time notes
- Business: 38.7 hours (E1: 34.6)
- Discretionary: 33.9 hours (Emacs: 0.8, Social: 18.3, Writing: 3.9)
- Personal: 22.2 hours (Biking: 3.5, Routines: 11.8)
- Sleep: 61.0 hours – average of 8.7 hours per day
- Unpaid work: 12.3 hours (Cook: 1.1)
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